“Shanghai Fishing” by Photographer Ralph Steinegger

“Shanghai Fishing” by Photographer Ralph Steinegger

Captured through the lens of Swiss photographer Ralph Steinegger, this enchanting series offers a glimpse into diverse urban landscapes. Steinegger, who has called cities such as Beijing, New York, Istanbul, Singapore, and Shanghai home, prefers using film cameras to chronicle the essence of city life.

He focuses on unveiling urban spaces' paradoxes, hidden facets, and lyrical qualities. Particularly in Shanghai, a city whose name translates to "on the sea," Steinegger emphasizes the crucial role of water and the intricate canal systems developed to manage it. Beyond the historical significance and the roots of Chinese culture, he zooms in on an age-old tradition that thrives within these critical water networks: fishing.

"As dawn breaks, solitary figures position themselves along the water's edge of rivers and canals, beneath bridges, and beside highways, overshadowed by towering apartment buildings and the buzz of construction. In an environment engineered to transcend the limitations imposed by nature, they silently throw their lines, almost blending into the backdrop. Unmoved by the urban chaos that encircles them, their focus narrows to the tranquil patch of water before them."

Explore more from the "Shanghai Fishing" collection below!

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